By David Maillu
Published December 12, 2024

Kenya's 5th President William Ruto AKA KasongoWhat is the explanation that over half a century of independence we have yet to import toothpicks and bicycles? What is the quality of our thinking? Whys should we expect to be intellectually respected by the outsider who produces what we consume? Whose benefit is it? Technologically, what are our achievements? By coincidence, one of us discovered the M-Pesa thing and stunned the world. The Kenyan M-Pesa invention, which has revolutionized banking, is being now adopted in the Whiteman’s world. Where are other minds? How much are we developed scientifically? Where are we on the world map technologically? What is the quality of the African creative mind?

RELATED: No African Novel Will Ever Beat Things Fall Apart, The River Between and The Beautiful Ones are not Yet Born.

What has happened to the Blackrace? How many of you know that in 2000 BC Lebanon and Syria were colonized by the Black Egypt and that, once upon a time Arabia was a colony of Ethiopia? Who designs the history that we study in schools? Who publishes the books we read? How intellectually and creatively independent are we?

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We speak the Whiteman’s language when the Whiteman does not speak our language. We know the Whiteman’s culture when the Whiteman does not know our culture. Hence, we are armed with both our culture and the Whiteman’s culture. Consequently, who says the African is not now socially superior to the Whiteman? Is the Blackman still waiting for the Whiteman to advise him on the way forward? How come we can build hundreds of churches and bars within one year and build not a single library?