By David Maillu
Published August 20, 2023

The colonizers saw us as sub-human savages who had neither history nor philosophy. They forced us to drop everything in our culture and demanded that we should stop thinking creativelyEuropeans colonized Africa driven by commercial and territorial expansion interests. They did not negotiate with us regarding how we should be colonized. You don’t negotiate anything with the animal you want to slaughter. We were the animal for slaughter for their dinner.

The colonizers saw us as sub-human savages who had neither history nor philosophy. They forced us to drop everything in our culture and demanded that we should stop thinking creatively because the quality of our mind had nothing good to think about.

They said we had no religion. We did not know God. We only worshipped idols and ancestral spirits. That is why they brought religion to us.

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The colonizer’s deal demanded that we should surrender our way of life because the White man shall be thinking for us and when we would want to do something, we will have only two options: consulting the White man’s brain and the Bible, for that will be all that we will need to become civilized. No wonder that, today, black Africans are the only race in the world whose children are not taught their own religion but they are taught imported religions.

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For us to restore our cultural identity subjected to that destruction for nearly a Century, we will demand a long time of a cultural revolution. Since cultures are hard-die outfits, the colonial culture is also going to be a hard-die thing in Africa. 
So, traditionally, we stopped thinking and, over the years, got plunged into a culture of not-thinking creatively. We developed a culture of not questioning anything, generations after generations, until the culture of thinking like babies took roots. Come Independence Day, we inherited a nation suffering from the amnesia of creative thinking. A nation expecting the government and the Bible aided by the White man to continue thinking for it.

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For us to restore our cultural identity subjected to that destruction for nearly a Century, we will demand a long time of a cultural revolution. Since cultures are hard-die outfits, the colonial culture is also going to be a hard-die thing in Africa.